Whole Foods Reset
Change how you eat, change how you feel
Summer Reset 2024
Summer Reset 2024
May 20th - June 2nd 2024
14 day plan designed to help you incorporate more whole foods into your diet. In this supportive and encouraging environment, learn how to prepare, cook and create meals that have more nutrient value. Diet changes are challenging when done in isolation, but our community eases the burden and offers commitment. This 14 day nutritional program is all online and includes daily menus, tips and tricks for meal planning, meal preparation and both vegetarian and non-vegetarian meal options.
As a community - we can be healthier and happier.
“I love this reset for the mindfulness it brings to my food and beverage choices! I also love how great I start feeling and the realization that it doesn't take a complete overhaul of what I eat to make my body feel great!” Katie, CO
The Whole Foods Reset is right for you if……..
You know that you can do better and are curious about whole foods and how they can support you
You’ve gone overboard when it comes to stress snacking during times of celebration
You’re anxious and tired turned to emotional eating for comfort. Now are you are ready to change, you wonder where the energy for a sustained fight will come from?
You don’t want to go to extremes to lose weight or get back on track
You are finished with fad diet trend that will fizzle out by the end of the month
You’re noticing that you need a jolt of caffeine or sugar to keep you going after lunch or after dinner
You're curious about learning more about your individual body and health.
What do I get with this program?
Full 14-day meal plan. You don’t have to worry about what’s for dinner because all the planning is done for you. This includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, and two snacks. Options for vegetarians will also be available.
Daily Support includes a variety of information to help you make more informed choices. These touchpoints also include daily challenges, mindfulness and selfcare tools, resources to learn more, and tips to increase your success.
Daily connection and community via WhatsApp. Together we will support each other through our stories, successes, and learning opportunities.
Real-Time support - 14-day access to Jess Kos Birney and Jess Finley, ask anything.
Bonus Content:
A complete shopping list with tricks to save time and money
A beginner’s handbook so you can personalize your experience and go as deep (or light) as you want
A complete restaurant guide so you’ll know exactly what to order if you have a business lunch or dinner with friends
During times of great stress and anxiety, it’s important that we listen to our bodies and ease into this process.
For example beginning a juice cleanse or eating lots of raw veggies and salads sometimes backfire because your body thinks you’re in famine after.
We find it’s far better to focus on eating seasonal, nutrient-rich foods that nourish you from the inside out – and get you looking AND feeling better in less time.
Our 14-day Reset is packed full of yummy recipes that include foods like whole grains, lean proteins, legumes and beans and, of course, lots of naturally cleansing vegetables. Past participants have raved about the recipes, and the feel of not having to restrict in order to enjoy life
Our participants responses:
Stopped the cycle of sugar cravings
Increased their daily intake of fruits and veggies
Decreased their symptoms of PMS or pre-menopausal symptoms
Feel less cranky and agitated
No longer need this 2pm nap, coffee, or sugar fix
Have sustained energy for the demands of their daily lives

“Great menu and resources provided to help you get started, along with daily encouragement via texts on WhatsApp. Very easy to follow. Daily tips were also very insightful.”
Chris, Texas

November 6, 2023- November 19th 2023
14 day plan designed to help you incorporate more whole foods into your diet. In this supportive and encouraging environment, learn how to prepare, cook and create meals that have more nutrient value. Diet changes are challenging when done in isolation, but our community eases the burden and offers commitment. This 14 day nutritional program is all online and includes daily menus, tips and tricks for meal planning, meal preparation and both vegetarian and non-vegetarian meal options.